Wednesday, December 28, 2011

I'm on Facebook!

I finally succumbed to the pressure and joined Facebook.  I'm excited to join like-minded professionals and health conscious individuals that are interested in health and well-being.  My goal is to develop a network of individuals that want to improve their own health or the health of others.  If you are interested in collaborating and sharing any ideas, please keep in touch!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

have you forgotten?

Leo Buscaglia (never heard of him? Look him up!) once wrote:

We are so ruled by what people tell us we must be that we have forgotten who we are.

As far as health and well-being is concerned, it is easy to be in a place where we are just following along a path of beliefs about living that were taught to follow...and blindly I might add. We've had our curiosity about things, ourselves included, pounded out of us by well meaning people.

Just think of how we have been conned into buying things we don't need, eating things that are not nutritious or providing any benefit to our bodies, seeing images that make us feel miserable and cause us to lose track of how beautiful and good life really is.

Now picture yourself alone, quiet, peaceful. Going inside yourself to remember who you really are. Listening to yourself to find out how it is best to take care of yourself. What do you like to do? What do you want experience? What does your body need to eat? How does your body want to move? How do you want to love?

Maybe this winter can be the time when you will sit and reflect on these questions...not to have your life ruled by others, but by you... remember?

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I'm still here!

Wow...I guess I've been pretty negligent in posting regularly since August! One the one hand, I've been pretty busy with work, exercising and socializing. On the other hand, I'm able to post today because I'm home sick!
I want to share with you my recent experience with a 6 week weight loss program. Even health coaches need coaching at times too! I went to the first session and had my weight measured, my body fat measured, and my body water % measured. This analyzes my TMT or Total Metabolic Testing. Annette Alfieri, a local clinical nutritionist lead the group (small and intimate, about 6 people). Each week we focused on a different topic which educated us on what, how and when to eat. Now, I pretty much know what to eat....but what surprised me was how little I knew about when and how! Each week taught me something new, and I was held accountable by having to keep and hand in a food log which Annette graciously reviewed and added suggestions as what to keep and what to delete!
There was also a great list of snack and meal suggestions that included all the combinations of foods that provided the best combo of nutrients. I don't want to give away the details of every week, but if you are serious about getting healthier, I highly recommend Annettes "Lighten Up!" program. Her website is and her phone number is 203.450.1064

Sunday, August 14, 2011

A new life begins!

Today's blog is dedicated to Giada Noel Toscano, born at 8:50 am on August 14, 2011!

Congratulations to her parents Jennifer and Vinny Toscano!

The greatest wealth is health!! ~ Virgil

She is spectacular!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Are you ready for Yoga?

Here in Westport I have discovered a wonderful place to practice Yoga. I started yoga a few years ago when I thought it was time and I was ready. I wanted to get the full experience from yoga, not just the physical exercise which I knew was beneficial, but the spiritual aspect of it too. I found a great studio in Norwalk (yeah Saraswati's Yoga Joint!). Loved it, but when Kaia opened up in Westport, and it was a 3 minute commute from door to door, I decided to give it a try. They have really tried to create a full experience for their students, and I think they have succeeded. Take a look at their website to see all the additional services they offer besides yoga.

I'm going to concentrate on the yoga aspect. At first I tried the basic classes which included a Kripalu Flow, Basics, Restorative Yoga, Yin Yoga, and Gentle. The basics class was really helpful for understanding the poses and proper alignment of them. It also helped me to ease into understanding the terminology which can be overwhelming!

After a few weeks of these classes I was ready for more of a workout so I went to the Vinyasa Basic/Intermediate classes. This level provided more of a continuous flow of poses that do get your heart rate up! I have not tried the Hot Yoga classes just yet, but my husband has and loves them! There are so many more classes than the few I've mentioned, so please check out the website.

Yoga has really helped me to tap into my body and how it moves, to feel what it is capable of on any given day, and to be more present and aware. I never fail to leave a class without feeling calm and centered. In fact, when I do not go to class for a period of time and then return, I wonder why did I ever stop going!?

Kaia has a great deal for people who want to try out all the different class options. It is the 30 days for 30 dollar deal and it is perfect for getting in a lot of yoga for a great price. When you are ready, this is the way to go and the place to go!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Pangs of Guilt

guilt (gltn.
a. The fact of being responsible for the commission of an offense. See Synonyms at blame.
b. Law The fact of having been found to have violated a criminal law; legal culpability.
c. Responsibility for a mistake or error.
a. Remorseful awareness of having done something wrong.b. Self-reproach for supposed inadequacy or wrongdoing tr.v. guilt·ed, guilt·ing, guilts
To make or try to make (someone) feel guilty.

Ah...the pangs of guilt: When someone is disappointed by you. When the scale does not read the right number. When the relationship is not working well. When you ate the wrong thing. When you didn't accomplish all you set out to or in a lifetime. When the kids make mistakes. When you haven't gone to the gym. When you are not meeting expectations that others have of you. When you are not meeting the expectations you have for yourself. Can you fill in your own here__________________?

The opposite of guilt? INNOCENCE. Freedom from sin or moral wrong. All of the pangs of guilt are self-inflicted. All guilt does is sabotage oneself of the freedom of understanding that those judgements are unnecessary and get in the way of living life more freely, more joyfully.

So, dispense of the the guilt. Treat yourself kindly. Forgive.

The Pangs of Guilt

Saturday, July 2, 2011

The joy of movement!

Remember what it felt like to fly on a swing?! I remember the pure joy of feeling as if I were flying...the higher I went the more exhilarating it was!

I have been making an effort lately to move more. The more I move, the more I realize that I've been taking for granted the fact that I am capable of participating in most physical activities that I would like to. How fortunate that I can wake up in the morning and choose from a variety of options how I would like to move that day. How can I not take advantage of this?!

Our bodies are such incredible machines that need to be maintained and taken care of...we are meant to move, and the more we do, the better it is for our whole being.

So, I will keep moving and enjoy the fact that I can!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

my new friend

Here she is! I haven't named her yet...I just had my maiden voyage with her yesterday. She looks just like this kayak but is yellow... I can finally be a part of the action out on Long Island Sound! I've watched so many people out there on the water for so many years and now I can be out there too...

It has peddles so I can get a good workout for my legs, and of course the paddle when I want to switch to upper body. I got it at the Boat Locker here in Westport, and the people there were very helpful and knowlegable. They took the time to show me every working detail of the kayak and were patient when I kept asking them to show me one more time!

I'm looking forward to spending lots of time on the water this summer...if you see me, wave hello!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

the rear view mirror

I was thinking about the words on a rear view mirror ~ objects are closer than they appear ~ what if the "objects" we see in the mirror are our thoughts, feelings and stories from our past? And what does it mean, "they are closer than they appear?" Are they still close enough to be affecting us in the here and now? Are we aware of how close they really are? How often do we keep checking them? And really, how often do we need to look in the rear view mirror? How about every once in awhile when the information will help us move forward, but not constantly looking behind us ( into the past) which can distract us from where we are going? Yes, it's a necessary and helpful tool, but how about several glances.... then keeping our eyes on the road in front of us.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

A Poem by Danna Faulds

Let the Mind Be the Mind

Let the mind be the mind. Behind its restless activity, just one layer deeper is stillness, and beneath even that, is an ocean of mystery and truth.

Swim in this eternal sea until you know yourself to be infinity, and bring that knowing back into your day. Why struggle to be what you are already?

Let the mind be the mind, but don't bind yourself to its limited reality. Trust your experience of vastness. Trust the truth that never loses potency or disappears in fear. Let the mind be the mind and identfy not with thought, but silence.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

From Head and Heart to Hand Part 2

No picture today so I have more space to write! A book about journaling that I find very helpful is Journal to the Self by Kathleen Adams. In it there is a section titled The Journal Toolbox.
Here are some suggestions or as she calls them, "springboards" to help get you started:

There are 2 kinds of springboards: statements and questions. Each statement or question will be a beginning idea that you can then elaborate on: What was the best/worst part of my day? My job is maddening! Things I can do on a rainy day. Today I feel ___ years old! I'm proud of myself for...Today was a ____ day. You can generate a list of springboard statements and questions on the first page of your journal to reference each time you begin a new entry. Try coming up with your own springboard statements.

Remember there is no right or wrong way to journal. This can be an exerise that will be fun for you! All you need is a piece of paper and a pen. Enjoy!!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

From Head and Heart to Hand

Have you ever considered starting to journal? Journaling can be a powerful transformative tool to use to help you get a glimpse of your inner self. It can help you to better understand where you are in life, how you got to where you are and where you might want to go!
Why journal? Because it may be the only time you give your "self" a chance to be heard. To be listened to. To express what you think, feel and know. Who does that for you? Who can do it best for you? YOU!
Ira Progoff, Ph.D says this about journaling: " Spiritual contact is the awareness of the profounder meanings of life which can only be experienced in the silence of privacy". So, why not try to take what is in your head and your heart, through your hand and onto a piece of paper and see what you have to say! Next blog I will show you ways to jump start journaling.

Monday, April 11, 2011

take a snapshot

Taking a big picture snapshot of how fulfilled you are in different areas of your life is a great way to see how things are evolving for you. What may have been fulfilling for you 5 or 10 years ago may not be the same for you today. In the following areas of your life, on a scale of 1-10, how fulfilled are you in the areas of nutrition, personal and professional development, your physical environment, relationships and communication, spirituality, mind-body connection and movement, exercise and rest? What would a fulfilled life look like for you?
Once you take notice of what areas of your life you would like to rebalance, you can begin to move from stuck to possibility and from possibility to action!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Sunset at Compo Beach

This is one of my most favorite places in Westport. When I need to relax, this is where I go. You'll either see me drinking my starbucks or reading, journaling or listening to a meditation CD. And my most favorite time to go is at sunset. In fact, I'm going shortly , this time with a Five Guys hamburger and fries. Even health coaches have their moments....many of them actually!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Honoring our values

Honoring our values will sometimes lead us to a fork in the road~

Which way should I go? What path should I take?

Take the road that keeps you on course to living your values. Will this choice/experience/decision honor my value of honesty? Freedom? Humor? Adventure?

Honoring our values is rewarding and fulfilling, but not easy to do. First you need to get clear on what you value in life.

Describe the values you see being played out in your experiences. Are your deepest values present?

Saturday, March 12, 2011


These words are from the book Eat, Pray ,Love. Thank you Abby for sharing!

Happiness is the consequence of personal effort. You fight for it. You strive for it, insist upon it, and sometimes even travel the world to find it. You have to participate relentlessly in the manifestations of your own blessings.

It is all those things. But does it have to sound so hard? I suppose it is, and it isn't. If you don't have it, it's worth the effort! If you do, what a blessing!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

need some inspiration?! you need a little inspiration? You will surely find it here when you listen to Aimee Mullins. I just discovered her on She's amazing. She has so much to teach us.... enough said! Go!


Saturday, February 26, 2011

The wisdom of teachers

Okay, this will be my last picture of a winter scene for at least 10 months!
Where would I be without my teachers/mentors?
I've been feeling so grateful lately for the wisdom of teachers in my life that have lead me to my essential being. I'm going to list some of them here with the hopes that you will begin to discover teachers of your own that will inspire you and hold your hand along your life journey. They are not in order of importance, just a free flow of recognition: M. Scott Peck, Sarah Ban Breathnach, Eckhart Tolle, Byron Katie, Louise Hay, Marianne Williamson, Martha Beck, Oprah, Gary Zukov, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Elizabeth Lesser, Joseph Campbell, Joseph Murphy, Wayne Dyer, Stephen and Ondrea Levine, Neale Donald Walsh, Geneen Roth, Kahlil Gibran, Ester and Jerry Hicks, Andrew Weil, Caroline Myss, Candice Pert, Suzie Orman, Michael Beckwith, Dr. Jean Houston, Elizabeth Gilbert, Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, Kathy Freston, Shirley Maclaine, Iyanla Vanzant, Leo Buscaglia, Bernie Seigel, Bill Evans, Bryan Evans, Abby Evans,Tim Evans and Molly Evans. So many gifts and so many lessons learned. I can't wait to meet more teachers!
Do you have any to recommend?

Saturday, February 12, 2011


As I read an article on aol today about the new era that is dawning for 80 million people in Egypt, I can't help but think of all those people who now have the freedom to express their personal vision of who they are in this world.

It said that men had signs across their chests that said " sorry for the disturbance, we're building Egypt". Now that is a vision! A vision that will begin with each individual manifesting their true nature, their unique being in this world.

They've waited a long time for the possibility to express who they are. Some of us are waiting too...but why? It's too disturbing? We already have the freedom to express who we are. Are we holding ourselves back? And if so, why? And we can't say we don't know why. I think ultimately, we are the only ones who do know, we just have to look within to find the answer! How fortunate we are....freedom!

Saturday, February 5, 2011


How cute is she?! I'm not sure if she is running away from something, or desperately trying to get to something! I like to see her as having such determination to open those doors to get to something she knows she wants. Nothing is going to stop her from trying. With all her might, she will not take "no" for an answer. I was like that when I was her age. Do we all start out with such determination to live life to it's fullest, and then slowly but surely it fades, only to resurface again and again to remind us of who we are or who we want to be?

How determined are you to know who you are?

Saturday, January 29, 2011

One small, next step

First thing I want to say to Emily is I will be snowshoeing next Saturday at 12 noon. I park my car at Longshore by the first golf tee. I'd love to have you join me! And my sweet Molly, thanks!!

In the book Something More by Sarah Ban Breathnach, she asks the question: Is there one small action that I can take to nurture my new dreams toward their fruition? And if there is, it gets to the top of my To Do List.

I live for this stuff! For me, it's first finding the dreams which can only be discovered by beginning to look in the first place. Most recent example is the snowshoeing. I knew it had to go on the To Do List, so taking the small action steps, one by one, made it happen. I reached the point where it could not be postponed...the snow around here did help!
I couldn't ignore it...and I realized I would really regret it if I waited or put off trying.

Don't wait to discover what you need to be truly happy. To be wonderfully fulfilled. Take one small step!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

choices, choices, and more choices

I've been thinking lately about choices and how important it is to make them. When you think about it, we make hundreds of choices a day. From the moment we wake up, we have to decide whether to get out of bed or not, and thus begins the first of many choices that will define the moment.
One choice I finally made lately was to go snowshoeing. I don't know why, but it has been tugging at me for years now! So, one day I decided to finally make the choice to rent some snowshoes and just do it. I knew it was something I really needed to do because every time I thought about it, I felt excited! I was not disappointed! I felt exhilarated and so happy that I finally listened to that tugging at my heart. I'm hooked! Not just to snowshoeing, but to making conscious choices that move me forward, out of my comfort zone and into experiences that make my life fun! What's tugging at you??

Saturday, January 15, 2011



Author Unknown

If there was ever a time to dare, to make a difference, to embark on something worth doing, IT IS NOW. Not for any grand cause, necessarily...but for something that tugs at your heart, something that's your inspiration, something that's your dream. You owe it to yourself to make your days here count. HAVE FUN. DIG DEEP. STRETCH. DREAM BIG.

Know, though, that things worth doing seldom come easy. There will be good days and there will be bad days. There will be times when you want to turn around, pack it up, and call it quits. Those times tell you that you are pushing yourself, that you are not afraid to learn by trying.

PERSIST. Because with an idea, determination, and the right tools, you can do great things. Let your instincts, your intellect, and your heart guide you.

TRUST. Believe in the incredible power of the human mind. Of doing something that makes a difference. Of working hard. Of laughing and hoping. Of lazy afternoons. Of lasting friends. Of all the things that will cross your path this year.

The start of something new brings the hope of something great, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

I'm inspired!

I have been inspired to enter another post on my blog because I heard my dear sister-in-law visited the site! That makes it...let's see....maybe 5 people since I began the blog last June!

My intention all along with this blog was to begin a dialogue with others on how I, we, they try to live a healthy life. It has always been important and very interesting to me to learn as much as I could about how I could live the healthiest life possible. I don't know why I have this passion, but I do.

One thing I've learned is that it is easier said then done...that's why I believe it is important to share with others the struggles as well as the triumphs of the journey. Like, how quickly one can go from being healthy and feeling good, to feeling completely out of control and in the emergency room! No worries, it was just a bug, but it came on so fast and out of nowhere.

Things like that just happen. Life happens. It does get you thinking though!