Thursday, September 25, 2014

Many Miles for Milly

This post is dedicated to one badass young lady who happens to have a heart of gold, a mind sharp as a tack, and a strong determination to go the distance physically by running, swimming, and biking her little heart out!! For those of you who enjoy competing in ironman events, or scaling large mountains, or generally pushing yourself to the brink of physical, mental and emotional exhaustion, you will enjoy reading about Milly's adventures as she tries to do many marathons in many countries. For the rest of us who only hope to get to the gym a few times a week, we will enjoy sharing in Milly's adventures of how to kick resistance in the butt and challenge ourselves just a bit. Take a look at her website. She's inspirational!

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Chakra Balancing & Healing - Guided Meditation

Came across this youtube video that was sent to me by Anodea Judith. I went to one of her workshops this past February at Kripalu (Creating On Purpose) and enjoyed every minute of it! This is a great guided meditation to use at the end of your day! Enjoy!!


Okay...time to walk the talk so to speak! I had a very hibernating winter! I had lost my motivation to move...not a good thing! Combine that with unconscious/mindless eating and it was a recipe for disaster. Add on the guilt I was oozing with each day, and I was turning into a not so happy camper! Fortunately, I am blessed to have a career that allows me the indulgence of free time in the the summer!! I knew I had to make a change and get moving and to take better care of myself. I armed myself with books that would inspire me: Mind-Fulness by Ellen J. Langer to understand more about the effects of mindlessness in my life, The War of Art by Steven Pressfield to kick myself in the butt and overcome resistance, and 50 ways to soothe yourself without food by Susan Albers, Psy.d, to get a better understanding of why eating is so soothing and to gain some techniques to change my relationship with food. Next came the "find a new gym for the 100th time in my life". While I was at the beach drinking my coffee by the water, it just hit me to try that "sherpa"(coolest name ever) place I read about recently. So I drove straight there! The moment I walked in the door I was greeted with a warm smile and handshake by Jean Paul. I was impressed that he actually wanted to hear my story, and he sat there very engaged and interested in what I wanted to say. His deep blue eyes didn't hurt to look at either! So, without waiting another minute, I signed up and committed myself to working out 3 times a week for the next 8 weeks. As I write this, I already finished 3 sessions and can't wait to continue with it. I beat my resistance!! It sure feels good to overcome all the negative influences of my own thoughts! Positive change....forward feels good!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

An evening of Guided Visualization Meditation

Please join me for an evening of guided visualization meditation. End your busy work week with a relaxing visualization that will calm you and bring inner peace. In a small and intimate setting, you will let your imagination bring you to a place of quiet introspection.

Friday, June 13 ~ 11 Westfair Drive ~ 7:00 PM ~ light refreshments will be served! Bring a friend!

Please rsvp to me at

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Always Into Love

Always Into Love
By Danna Faulds

On this voyage of
the soul, may we be
bridge builders,
our common ground
visible beneath the surface differences.

May we braid the 
threads of reconciliation
into a chain of possibility
that joins, heals, and
includes what once
seemed separate.

May our shared prayer
be answered: to grow
so open that there is
no "them" or "us",
only the One, moving
always into love.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

An Evening of Guided Visualization Meditation

Take time for yourself to be still.

You are invited to join an evening of quiet relaxation and intropection.  Experience a guided visualization meditation in a safe and accepting atmosphere!  Within a small group of like-minded women, you will be guided through an inner journey meditation that will lead you to feeling relaxed and peaceful.

When: Friday May 2, 2014 from 7:00-8:30
Where: 11 Westfair Drive, Westport
Bring a friend, paper and pen!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Open the Door Integrative Health Coaching

Open the Door 
Integrative Health Coaching

The Road goes ever, on and on
Down from the door where it began
Now far ahead the Road has gone
And I must follow, if I can
Pursuing it with eager/weary feet
Until it joins some larger way
Where other paths and byways meet.
And whither then? I cannot say.

-J.R.R. Tolkien
The Fellowship of the Ring

My vision as an Integrative Health Coach begins with us standing on the threshold of a door. I have a deep curiosity about what is behind this door for you. With my support, you will open the door and begin the process of taking the first step through. But first, we will take a look at where you are now and where you want to go. With hope and encouragement, we will work, laugh, and play together as you gain deeper insights that will move you on a path toward health and wellness. It’s a sacred adventure! Through health coaching, you will get reacquainted and reconnected with yourself and take responsibility for your life. With my non-judgmental listening, you will discover who you are and move toward the healthiest you can be. Taking care of your body, mind and spirit is the greatest gift you can give to yourself, self-love. Let’s work together to make the connections that will open the door for you and see what lies ahead. 

Be healthy!

Joyce Evans

Monday, March 3, 2014

Inviting Stillness

You are invited!

What? To experience a moment or two of stillness in your day!
When? Only you can determine when. But do make the determination!
Where? In a bathtub? Sitting in your car at the beach? Take a meditation class?
Why? Because it is important to take time to reflect, breathe, and be still.
How? You can attend my Guided Meditation Workshop! 

You know how easy it is to do whatever it is you need to do for all the other people in your life? From the moment you wake up in the morning and your feet touch the floor, you are full steam ahead aiming to check off all the items on your list of things to do...important things to do, for those you love. Imagine how nice it would be to make the time to do something for you! To get still, listen to your breathing, to your heart, to do something calm and soothing for yourself. So whether it's finding a moment or two in your day, or joining other women who are looking to create stillness together, make the time for yourself. It will feel amazing! 

Email me if you would like to join other women at my Guided Meditation Workshop for beginners! March 28, 2014. 7:00-8:30 PM. You'll be so happy you did!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Open The Door Integrative Health Coaching

Guided Meditation Workshop for Women

What is Guided Meditation? A guided meditation is meant for individuals interested in creating some stillness, introspection and relaxation in their life. A facilitator (me!) guides you through the visualization process while reading scripts of images to follow along with, while you let your imagination discover insights into your personal inner journey.

When? Friday, March 28, 2014  7:00-8:30 PM

Where? Place to be determined depending on response! Most likely Westport.

Please RSVP or let me know of your interest by emailing me at

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

       When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but

       often we look so long at the closed door that we

       do not see the one which has been opened for us.

                                ~ Helen Keller~

Monday, January 20, 2014

Change. It has the power to uplift, to heal, to stimulate, surprise, open new doors, bring fresh experience and create excitement in life. Certainly it is worth the risk. 
                          ~ Leo Buscaglia ~

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Self Acceptance

The first step toward change is awareness. The second step is acceptance.

-Nathaniel Branden