Saturday, June 8, 2013

Intensive Journaling by Ira Progoff

The Method:

The Intensive Journal Method is an integrated system using writing exercises in a setting of privacy and quiet to help you: 
  • Gain awareness about diverse areas of your life.
  • Connect with your real self.
  • Develop a more meaningful life.

More than "journal writing", our method is based upon principles of psychology, providing you with unique approaches to develop your life. The Intensive Journal method is recognized as the leader in self-development writing programs.

Tranquil Pond
Copied this from I went to a workshop recently to experience this method myself, and I really enjoyed it. I  believe this structured method of journaling is a wonderful tool for introspection and connecting with the self. They have workshops all over the country at various times throughout the year. I plan to go to many more workshops and to practice  this method on my own.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

The door of opportunity won't open unless you do some pushing~ Anon

....or in this case, some pulling! 

Saturday, March 23, 2013


Imagine how this person in this picture feels. The joy of accomplishment! The satisfaction that comes from facing a challenge and giving it all you've got. The confidence gained because they tried something that seemed impossible. And the courage it took to take the first few steps.

Beginning the task of learning to accept who we are, just as we are, takes courage. To not listen to those old, useless, worn out messages that we got from who knows where, takes courage. It seems much easier to just stay nice and comfortable where you are, whether you are happy or not. Don't rock the boat. It's not safe. If I change, so and so might not like me anymore. I might lose my family, my friends, my colleagues. It's easier for me to remain small, insignificant, unnoticed.

Now imagine how it would feel to have the courage to look at who you are, as you are, and love yourself, just the way you are. And to look inside to feel what hurts and heal it. Now that takes courage. Just a little...start small. But start. Find someone who will listen. Without judgement.

In Debbie Fords new book Courage she says "With courage as our compass, not only do we take responsibility for our lives in the present, but we take responsibility for our futures as well."

Go for it. Courage!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Almost all snowflakes are unique.
Imagine the possibility of all snowflakes being unique. Quite possibly no two alike. I'm able to look outside my window today, in my very own microcosm of the world and see far too many to even contemplate counting. And to imagine we are just as unique, each one of us, in our own being. Integrated in body, mind and soul, like no other. Now that is worth contemplating.