Thursday, July 29, 2010

listening to you

When is the last time you took the time necessary to get still and hear what you have to say? Taking the time to be still and listen for the inner wisdom that only you can bestow upon yourself is the beginning of understanding where you are and where you want to go.

Filtering all the "thought attacks" our mind chatters to us will help clear the debris, sift away thoughts that are not necessary or helpful, and clear the way for the wisdom to come through.

I do this by going to the beach by myself, and basically just looking out into the distance. Sometimes reading a helpful book on topics that encourage me to be happy and healthy. Or closing my eyes as I sit in my most comfortable chair, and pay attention to my breathing.

Nothing fancy, no retreats that cost thousands (although that's fun too)! I find I have lots of helpful things to say to myself! Give it a try!


  1. Hi Joyce! So happy to see your updates to your BLOG, WOO-HOO. I finally got my Google account to sign up to this. And I just put your link on my Facebook Account so hopefully more will join and read your inspirations! :o)
