Saturday, February 18, 2012

Are you ready yet?

I know it might be just a tad early to be showing images of daisies right now, but it sure feels like spring is just around the corner...I just love how the days are getting longer and despite the still chilly temperatures, the sun feels strong enough to send just enough warmth to make going outside bearable.

As I imagine the daisy at this moment, it does not need to prepare for its future arrival in the spring! It will just happen.We however, need to go about creating the arrival of our future experiences in the present moment. 

 Right now is a perfect time to begin to visualize yourself in the months to come...what do you want to be experiencing with your time? As you gaze into the future, what do you imagine your days will be like? How do you describe what it feels like in your imagined future experience? What words (adjectives!) do you use to describe your imagined situation?

Now as you focus on those words, fine tune them. Use them to help identify what experiences you long to have. And in your mind, go there! Feel what it's like to be in that place that brings you joy! Write about it! Savor it! 

Let it bring you closer to your heart's desire. And then, call me. I'd like nothing more than to support you in making it a reality!   

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