Leo Buscaglia (never heard of him? Look him up!) once wrote:
We are so ruled by what people tell us we must be that we have forgotten who we are.
As far as health and well-being is concerned, it is easy to be in a place where we are just following along a path of beliefs about living that were taught to follow...and blindly I might add. We've had our curiosity about things, ourselves included, pounded out of us by well meaning people.
Just think of how we have been conned into buying things we don't need, eating things that are not nutritious or providing any benefit to our bodies, seeing images that make us feel miserable and cause us to lose track of how beautiful and good life really is.
Now picture yourself alone, quiet, peaceful. Going inside yourself to remember who you really are. Listening to yourself to find out how it is best to take care of yourself. What do you like to do? What do you want experience? What does your body need to eat? How does your body want to move? How do you want to love?
Maybe this winter can be the time when you will sit and reflect on these questions...not to have your life ruled by others, but by you... remember?