Wow...I guess I've been pretty negligent in posting regularly since August! One the one hand, I've been pretty busy with work, exercising and socializing. On the other hand, I'm able to post today because I'm home sick!
I want to share with you my recent experience with a 6 week weight loss program. Even health coaches need coaching at times too! I went to the first session and had my weight measured, my body fat measured, and my body water % measured. This analyzes my TMT or Total Metabolic Testing. Annette Alfieri, a local clinical nutritionist lead the group (small and intimate, about 6 people). Each week we focused on a different topic which educated us on what, how and when to eat. Now, I pretty much know what to eat....but what surprised me was how little I knew about when and how! Each week taught me something new, and I was held accountable by having to keep and hand in a food log which Annette graciously reviewed and added suggestions as what to keep and what to delete!
There was also a great list of snack and meal suggestions that included all the combinations of foods that provided the best combo of nutrients. I don't want to give away the details of every week, but if you are serious about getting healthier, I highly recommend Annettes "Lighten Up!" program. Her website is www.lightenup.biz and her phone number is 203.450.1064