Saturday, February 26, 2011

The wisdom of teachers

Okay, this will be my last picture of a winter scene for at least 10 months!
Where would I be without my teachers/mentors?
I've been feeling so grateful lately for the wisdom of teachers in my life that have lead me to my essential being. I'm going to list some of them here with the hopes that you will begin to discover teachers of your own that will inspire you and hold your hand along your life journey. They are not in order of importance, just a free flow of recognition: M. Scott Peck, Sarah Ban Breathnach, Eckhart Tolle, Byron Katie, Louise Hay, Marianne Williamson, Martha Beck, Oprah, Gary Zukov, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Elizabeth Lesser, Joseph Campbell, Joseph Murphy, Wayne Dyer, Stephen and Ondrea Levine, Neale Donald Walsh, Geneen Roth, Kahlil Gibran, Ester and Jerry Hicks, Andrew Weil, Caroline Myss, Candice Pert, Suzie Orman, Michael Beckwith, Dr. Jean Houston, Elizabeth Gilbert, Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, Kathy Freston, Shirley Maclaine, Iyanla Vanzant, Leo Buscaglia, Bernie Seigel, Bill Evans, Bryan Evans, Abby Evans,Tim Evans and Molly Evans. So many gifts and so many lessons learned. I can't wait to meet more teachers!
Do you have any to recommend?

Saturday, February 12, 2011


As I read an article on aol today about the new era that is dawning for 80 million people in Egypt, I can't help but think of all those people who now have the freedom to express their personal vision of who they are in this world.

It said that men had signs across their chests that said " sorry for the disturbance, we're building Egypt". Now that is a vision! A vision that will begin with each individual manifesting their true nature, their unique being in this world.

They've waited a long time for the possibility to express who they are. Some of us are waiting too...but why? It's too disturbing? We already have the freedom to express who we are. Are we holding ourselves back? And if so, why? And we can't say we don't know why. I think ultimately, we are the only ones who do know, we just have to look within to find the answer! How fortunate we are....freedom!

Saturday, February 5, 2011


How cute is she?! I'm not sure if she is running away from something, or desperately trying to get to something! I like to see her as having such determination to open those doors to get to something she knows she wants. Nothing is going to stop her from trying. With all her might, she will not take "no" for an answer. I was like that when I was her age. Do we all start out with such determination to live life to it's fullest, and then slowly but surely it fades, only to resurface again and again to remind us of who we are or who we want to be?

How determined are you to know who you are?